Terjadi Lagi! Video Tikus di Dapur Roti Toko Breadtalk Viral, Terjadi di Gerai Kota Solo

TRIBUNEWS.COM - Sebuah rekaman video di sebuah dapur roti menghebohkan media sosial.
Seorang pengguna media sosial merekam sebuah kejadian menjijikan yang terjadi di dalam dapur toko roti terkenal di Indonesia.
Dalam rekaman video terlihat seekor tikus berkeliaran di dapur roti tersebut.
Tikus tersebut tampak berada diatas loyang pemanggang roti yang berada di dalam dapur.
Video tersebut di ungga oleh akun Instagram Infocegatansolo pada Rabu (25/4/2018).
Menurut akun tersebut, video itu direkam pada Selasa (24/4/2028) Sore.
Kejadian tikus di dapur tersebut terjadi di dapur roti toko Breadtalk yang berada di Mall Solo Square, Surakarta.
Video tersebut langsung dibanjiri berbagai komentar dari pengguna media sosial.
Wajar saya, karena seperti diketahui, Toko Breadtalk cukup terkenal di Indonesia.
Breadtalk memiliki banyak gerai di seluruh Indonesia, dan hampir ada di setiap kota besar di Indonesia.
Sebelumnyya kejadian serupa juga pernah terjadi di dapur roti Breadtalk.
Dalam insiden sebelumnya bahkan terlihat 2 ekor tikus yang berkeliaran di dapur roti.
Diduga insiden tersebut terjadi di gerai Breadtalk Jogja City Mall Yogyakarta.
Namun saat insiden tersebut viral, pihak breadtalk langsung memberi konfirmasi dan meminta maaf kepada publik.
Hingga berita ini dibuat, belum ada konfirmasi resmi terkait insiden tersebut.
(Tribun-Video.com / Alfin Wahyu Yulianto)
One of the most popular new investment opportunities to emerge in the past couple years is the foreign exchange market or forex market. Up until a short while ago it was virtually impossible for the ordinary investor to participate directly in the foreign exchange markets and buy and sell currency for profit. In the past the foreign exchange market has been primarily traded by the ten largest banks in the world. Wealthy investors and businesses would have to apply and get permission from bank managers and bank presidents to get a currency trading account. Then would have to keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash with the bank just to keep the account open. Now with the increased transparency of the currency markets and technological advancements in electronic trading, forex brokers have taken over the role of the big investor and are able to offer individuals the opportunity to trade smaller amounts of currency through them. While this opens up new markets to independent investors, it can also be dangerous to people unfamiliar with trading currency and the relationship you have with your broker. Finding the right forex broker is essential to your success when dealing with this type of investment for several reasons. The most obvious is that your forex broker will provide you with the software to trade on your account. You need to make sure you are very familiar with the trading platform and that it contains all the features you want. Some of the most useful features people look for are: the ability to trade directly from your charts, one click trading and robotic or algorithmic trading. The next potential conflict of interest to take into account is the accuracy and timeliness of your brokers price quotations. Every forex broker will provide slightly different prices on currency pairs depending on many factors including which major bank they trade with, their trading volume and the speed of their software, among others. An easy gauge to help you is to watch the spreads between the bid and ask prices. The difference between those prices is what you will pay in commissions and it should be clearly stated on their website about what that price range will be. When looking at their real time quotes the price ranges should remain similar to what the broker has stated they would be. Third, unlike trading stocks online where your stock broker matches your buy order with another customers sell order, your forex broker is the direct counter party to your trade. This means that your forex broker may benefit financially should the market move against you. Conversely, if your broker has not properly hedge themselves, they may suffer financial loses should your trade be profitable for you. Many countries have guidelines detailing how much money the brokerages must be capitalized with in order to successfully fund customers trades. Look into their financial statements to help determine whether that broker is adequately funded and that they have been able to hedge against losses in the past. After you ascertain that the broker you are looking at has the right qualifications, also search for that company within forums and social networking sites to find other people who have traded with them in the past and learn more about their experience. If the broker has a forum, search through it and look for negative comments. If there are no unfavorable opinions they might have been removed, so see if any of the forum members have posted on a third party site. Search engines can be a great tool when looking for a forex broker so use them to find comments, news stories and financial information on your broker. For a wealth of information on the forex market [http://www.assetinvesting.com/], stock market and general business information or to discuss forex brokers and get investment tips go to my business and investing site. My investing forum is free to sign up for and there are a lot of knowledgeable traders and excellent information about the foreign exchange market.

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