Sekalian resign aja dari kantor loe.... Sanyo Electronic ya?
Siap-siap loe, ini ada serombongan emak-emak ngamuk.....
Dewan Pimpinan Pusat
Partai Solidaritas Indonesia
"Perempuan PSI Laporkan Intimidasi atas Ibu dan Anak di Car Free Day"
PSI akan melaporkan kasus intimidasi sekelompok pria atas seorang ibu dan anaknya dalam Car Free Day, hari Minggu (29/04) lalu.
Para perempuan PSI:
Tsamara Amany (Ketua DPP PSI), Isyana Bagoes Oka (Ketua DPP PSI), Suci Mayang Sari (Bendahara Umum PSI), Danik Rahamaningtyas (Wakil Sekjen DPP), Dara Adinda (Caleg PSI), Dini Purwono (Caleg sekaligus Advokat Jangkar Solidaritas PSI), Milly Ratu Dian (caleg PSI), Ela Novitasari (caleg PSI), Susy Rizky (Caleg PSI), Widy Esther Mopeng (Caleg PSI) dan Shinta (Caleg DPRD DKI) akan melaporkan kasus ini ke Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum, Polda, pada:
Hari, tanggal:
Senin, 30 April 2018
Pukul 11.00 WIB
Polda Metro Jaya
Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Umum, Jln Jend Sudirman No. 55, Jakarta Selatan
Kami mengharapkan kehadiran rekan-rekan media dalam acara tersebut.
Salam Solidaritas
Dini Purwono
Jangkar Solidaritas

Netizen pada ngamuk kepada achmadi achdiar:
"Achmadi Achdiar, segeralah siap2 bikin surat lamaran & cari kerjaan baru. Jangan lupa di CV cantumkan kegiatan & aktivitas organisasi teemasuk jalan2 di CFD sambil persekusi orang..." tulis akun Inka Roebiono Iskandar
"Achmadi Achdiar tamat riwayat mu... Anak istri gak bisa makan lagi. Penjara menanti" tulis akun Santo Lee Jackson
"Wkwkwkwkw...masuk ke portfolio: ahli persekusi ibu2 dan anak..." Yani Baso Sulistyo MamaRafi
" Sombong kipas2 uang, pd hal hanya seorang karyawan sj,,,,ujung2nya bila gaji tdk cukup sasarannya depnaker ,,,,demo,,,,demo,,,,gaji kurang,,,,parah orang2 tipe spt itu,,,maluuu sm buruh2 yg sdng serbu indonesia" tulis akun Dmie Salino
Purnawarman Lmd: " Pecat saja manusia tdk sadar dan tau diri.."
IGusti Bagus Ngurah Alit : "Bantu viralkan biar dia cepat terkenal...."
Lenny OJ: " ada lagi tuh yg nyodorin uang ke muka si ibu sampe hampir kena mulut ibunya.... ga sopan banget... pelecehan... mustinya dia diciduk juga tuh thom."
Firat Romansyah: " Banci2 sok kuasa, beraninya keroyokan.. disamperin emak2 jg jiper.. ketololan yg pasti bakal disesali seumur hidup."
Mahendra : "Cyduk .. Trus pura2 gila mpret"
Ludyan Christian: " Calon pengangguran"
Vannesa Adelia Adelia : "Jangan beraninya cuma sama ibu 2 dan anak kecil ya"
Priyono Atmojo : "Apabila yang bersangkutan terciduk dan harus menjalani proses hukum, akankah para penggagas tagar ganti presiden itu akan membantu turun tangan?
Sepertinya sih “kagak bakalan”.
Paling juga team penggagas cuma akan bilang “ itu urusan loe bukan urusan gue”
Sammy Christian Hadyana : "SOOKOORRR DASAR BANCII"
Anthoni Sopaheluwakan " Manusia sampaaaaaaaaah"
Rommy Martin: " nanti kalo udah dijemput hadapi dengan jantan jangan kayak betina terus nangis2 mewek,...."
sumber: akun Fb thomy setiawan
editor: tim
"Achmadi Achdiar, segeralah siap2 bikin surat lamaran & cari kerjaan baru. Jangan lupa di CV cantumkan kegiatan & aktivitas organisasi teemasuk jalan2 di CFD sambil persekusi orang..." tulis akun Inka Roebiono Iskandar
"Achmadi Achdiar tamat riwayat mu... Anak istri gak bisa makan lagi. Penjara menanti" tulis akun Santo Lee Jackson
"Wkwkwkwkw...masuk ke portfolio: ahli persekusi ibu2 dan anak..." Yani Baso Sulistyo MamaRafi
" Sombong kipas2 uang, pd hal hanya seorang karyawan sj,,,,ujung2nya bila gaji tdk cukup sasarannya depnaker ,,,,demo,,,,demo,,,,gaji kurang,,,,parah orang2 tipe spt itu,,,maluuu sm buruh2 yg sdng serbu indonesia" tulis akun Dmie Salino
Purnawarman Lmd: " Pecat saja manusia tdk sadar dan tau diri.."
IGusti Bagus Ngurah Alit : "Bantu viralkan biar dia cepat terkenal...."
Lenny OJ: " ada lagi tuh yg nyodorin uang ke muka si ibu sampe hampir kena mulut ibunya.... ga sopan banget... pelecehan... mustinya dia diciduk juga tuh thom."
Firat Romansyah: " Banci2 sok kuasa, beraninya keroyokan.. disamperin emak2 jg jiper.. ketololan yg pasti bakal disesali seumur hidup."
Mahendra : "Cyduk .. Trus pura2 gila mpret"
Ludyan Christian: " Calon pengangguran"
Vannesa Adelia Adelia : "Jangan beraninya cuma sama ibu 2 dan anak kecil ya"
Priyono Atmojo : "Apabila yang bersangkutan terciduk dan harus menjalani proses hukum, akankah para penggagas tagar ganti presiden itu akan membantu turun tangan?
Sepertinya sih “kagak bakalan”.
Paling juga team penggagas cuma akan bilang “ itu urusan loe bukan urusan gue”
Sammy Christian Hadyana : "SOOKOORRR DASAR BANCII"
Anthoni Sopaheluwakan " Manusia sampaaaaaaaaah"
Rommy Martin: " nanti kalo udah dijemput hadapi dengan jantan jangan kayak betina terus nangis2 mewek,...."
sumber: akun Fb thomy setiawan
editor: tim
There's no doubt at all that forex trading is one of the easiest ways to make money online today if it's not the best.However,we are faced with challenges when we want to start off with forex trading especially for beginners.
Explained below are the top four factors to check out if you want to select the best forex broker for beginners in forex trading.
Registration and History:
Of course, no trader would like to deal with "forex scams". This is why you have to find out whether the broker you've chosen is a registered with regulating authorities. Research and find out if the broker is registered with forex regulating authorities like NFA(National Futures Association) for brokers in the United States or Commodities Futures Trading Commission(CFTC) if the broker is based in the United Kingdom.
Check the history of the forex brokers as most brokers that are successful in business has already gained trust and reliability among its Clients. This you would be able to see when you search Online in forums discussing about that particular broker.
Reasonable Spreads:
As a forex trader, you do not pay your forex broker any dime for their services because they are compensated through Spreads when you begin to trade. Spreads are collected during trading by your forex broker whether you're in loss or profit. Spreads could be as high as 10pips or even as low as 1-2pips depending on the broker. So, it's necessary to check if your forex broker is one that operates huge Spreads on their customers' accounts. Ideally, Spreads of 2pips and below should be used by a perfect forex broker.
Simplicity of the Trading Platform:
Most brokers out there are very complicated padded with various instruments of trading. This often leaves the beginner confused because he does not know where and how to start off. It is advised to choose brokers with a simple trading platform in order to make execution of orders easy, quick and neat. This is why i have wrote a review concerning how to choose a forex broker with a simple trading platform.
Practice makes Perfect:
As a beginner in the forex market, you shouldn't just jump into live trading with real funds to avoid the risk of losing your money. You would want to practice trading to see how you'll be able to perform and execute your skills in a real live trading account. This is why you have to choose a broker that offers demo trading with virtual funds in the account. Although most brokers offer demo trading but not all provide the traders with a suitable amount of funds required for practice.
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